Bengaluru, India

Computer-Aided Engineering(CAE) has been an essential part of Product Engineering to simulate and analyze the robustness and performance of a system or component virtually, without having to manufacture or prototype the actual system or component. Design and Simulation cycles are iterated to optimize the design before releasing the final design to Manufacturing.

Present day CAE tools are very powerful and fairly accurate in simulating and validating how a particular system or component as designed, would behave under certain conditions. These simulations often take a fraction of the time and cost required to build an actual system and test it physically.

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Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) has revolutionized product engineering as it saves efforts, time and cost in any project. Being a digital platform totally, CAE is being used in every engineering discipline. CAE gives an in-depth analysis of whether a design will work or not by considering various factors in real-time. It also helps eliminate design and production errors well in advance. With the help of CAE, we also find different approaches to troubleshoot a problem that may arise in a product/system.

There are three sequential steps in each CAE cycle – Preprocessing, Solving, and Postprocessing. Preprocessing involves modeling and cleaning up of the system/ component geometry, applying  physical properties to each component and applying the required environment as loads and constraints. Solving involves an appropriate mathematical formulation of the underlying physics. Postprocessing involves extraction of the results, interpretation and presentation to the Design/ Engineering team for review/ improvement.

Simulation analyses are commonly carried out at iSol for conditions like Structural, Thermal, Flow, Vibration, Fatigue, Impact and Motion. Most of the products that are designed these days are almost certainly validated with at least one or more of these CAE tools.

As a complete solutions provider in this domain, iSol has carried out services ranging from R&D, conceptualization, Industrial Design, Product and System Engineering, Simulation & Analysis, prototyping, manufacturing drawings and even development of products.

We have manufacturing partners who have a proven experience specifically in this domain.

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Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)

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